AARP Articles on Disaster Preparedness:
Tips and resources specifically tailored for older adults
How to Prepare for Natural Disasters
Alzheimer’s Association
provides help to families
offers education to family and friends
Contact: 1-800-272-3900
Amherst Neighbors
Their MISSION is to create neighbor to neighbor connections, provide access to information and services, and empower elders to maintain socially engaged lives while aging at home.
Home - Amherst Neighbors
Brattleboro Hearing Center
Hearing loss may signal other important health issues
329 Conway Street
Greenfield, MA 01301
Contact: (413) 773-5117
Brattleboro Hearing Center - Comprehensive hearing evaluation from infants to adults.
Certified Aging in Place Specialists (CAPS) in Massachusetts
Janice Wilson
Northampton, MA
Valley Home Improvement
Northampton, MA
There are resources at under
Home Modification Resources
however, most of them pertain to folks with disabilities and veterans
CommonWealth Registry of Nurses. Inc.
comprehensive home care services
Contact: (413) 527-2527
PO Box 11
Easthampton, MA 01027
Community Action
Community Resources & Advocacy
Do you need help with: Rent, Food, Utility Bills, or Other Resources?
Contact: (413) 475-1570
Community Action Pioneer Valley - CAPV
Consumer Action
weatherization, fuel assistance
heating repair and replacement
tax assistance and more
Contact: (413) 774-2310
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
help with financial abuse
provides help to agents under power of attorney
Contact: (855) 411-2372
Cooley Dickinson Visiting Nurses and Hospice
provides health services such as monitoring vitals, calling
doctors, setting up health aides for in-home, occupational
therapy, physical therapy
Contact: (413) 854-1060
Easthampton Neighbors
Is a caring community that encourages social connections, promotes healthy vibrant aging in place.
Home - Easthampton Neighbors
Elder Abuse Hotline
Elder abuse includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, caretaker neglect, financial exploitation, and self-neglect.
Contact: 1-800-922-2275
Erving Senior Center
exercise classes, exercise room, pool table
day trips, bingo, cards, health expos, craft fairs,
toenail clippings, and more
Contact: (413) 423-3649
FEMA Guide to Emergency Preparedness for Older Adults:
A Comprehensive guide with practical steps to ensure safety.
FEMA Disaster Preparedness Guide for Older Adults
Gill-Montague Senior Center
tax help
senior tech time for computers, cell phones, other electronic devices
exercise classes, crafts, pizza parties, bingo, monthly brown bag lunches, etc.
Contact: (413) 863-9357
Home Safety for Older Adults: National Council on Aging
Home Safety for Older Adults: A Comprehensive Guide 2025
Life Path
Large span of elder services based on eligibility
Contact: (413) 773-5555
101Munson St, Suite 201
Greenfield, MA 01301
MA Villages Information Site:
Montague Center Fire Department
non-emergency help with fire alarms and fire detectors,
fire safety at home, decals for windows, emergency kits, fire
safety learning
Contact: (413) 367-2757
My Guardian Angel
life alert devices
access to medication disposal sites
Contact: 1-800-875-2099
Neighbors at Home
Neighbors at Home is a cooperating organization of households in Northfield, Massachusetts, dedicated to helping residents 50 and older to age in place and thrive in community.
Neighbors at Home: The Northfield Village
Northampton Neighbors
Helps older adults in Northampton create and maintain connection, independence, dignity, and joy as we all age–and engage–in place.
Home - Northampton Neighbors
Pioneer Valley Hospice & Palliative Care
provides end of life care to area patients and families
Contact: 413-774-2400
329 Conway St
Greenfield, MA 01301
Pioneer Valley Hospice & Palliative Care
Turners Falls Fire Department
non-emergency help with fire alarms and fire detectors,
fire safety at home, decals for windows, emergency kits, fire
safety learning
Contact: (413) 863-9023
is a crime assistance and wellness initiative aimed at senior citizens over 60, free of charge
provide/deliver medical equipment such as wheelchairs, canes, hospital beds, walkers, etc.
also, receives donations of good, used equipment
Contact: (413) 774-4726
160 Elm Street
Greenfield, MA 01301
Upper Pioneer Valley Veterans' Services
Direct Access to State & Federal Benefits for Veterans, Surviving Spouses & Surviving Dependent Children
294 Main Street
Greenfield, MA
Contact: (413) 772-1571
Valley Neighbors
Offers volunteer services and programs to residents of Whately, Deerfield and Sunderland age 60
and over who wish to continue living independent, engaged lives in their homes and communities.
Home | Valley Neighbors
Village Neighbors
Helping residents over age 60 in Shutesbury, Leverett, Wendell, and New Salem
stay connected and age independently at home.
Home - Village Neighbors
Villages of Western Massachusetts Flyer
The Villages of Western Mass Two-pager
Western Massachusetts Individuals Requiring Additional Assistance (IRAA) Website:
Information on support for vulnerable populations in the region
Individual Requiring Emergency Preparedness Education | Western Mass Ready